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You are the new appointed chief information officer

Due 2/7/17 8:00 p.m. 100 percent original 500-700 words APA format with at least 2 references. You are the new appointed chief information officer (CIO) of an 80-bed long-term care (LTC) facility. The chief executive officer (CEO) needs a system security evaluation of the organization’s information systems for documentation for The Joint Commission (TJC) to Read More

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  • Mar 21, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Due 2/7/17 8:00 p.m. 100 percent original 500-700 words APA format with at least 2 references.
You are the new appointed chief information officer (CIO) of an 80-bed long-term care (LTC) facility. The chief executive officer (CEO) needs a system security evaluation of the organization’s information systems for documentation for The Joint Commission (TJC) to reaffirm the facility’s accreditation. In an APA-style Word document, Identify and discuss how Federal regulations, such as HIPAA/HITECH have influenced or impacted your System Security Evaluation. Topics should include impacts from the following areas:
Health care organizations
Information security officers
Federal regulations
Risk Assessment (what steps are required? Think about planning, implementation, contingency plan).
how does all of this affect TJC accreditation?

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