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Community Analysis part of a grant paper Topic: HIV YMSM of color Targeted community: Baltimore City Due date: March 10, 2017 A good community analysis will · Include a review of the needs assessment (2-3 paragraphs briefly explaining the issue and population) · Goals of grant. · Describe their population and any particular needs specific Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Community Analysis part of a grant paper
Topic: HIV YMSM of color
Targeted community: Baltimore City
Due date: March 10, 2017
A good community analysis will
· Include a review of the needs assessment (2-3 paragraphs briefly explaining the issue and population)
· Goals of grant.
· Describe their population and any particular needs specific to this group.
· T/S describe the process needed to conduct the community analysis.
· Uses strategies that are appropriate for the population, grant, program and issue.
· Meet the overarching goals of the grant.
Potential sub-headings to this paper might be
Summary of background information
Goals of grant
Community Analysis
8 pages

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