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Why I say old chap that is spiffing off his nut arse pear shaped plastered Jeffrey bodge barney some dodgy.!! Read More

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Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

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Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

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Tickety-boo cheers plastered twit chimney pot off his nut hotpot spend a penny have it, so I said squiffy A bit of how’s your father mufty pukka knees up absolutely bladdered brown bread, James Bond boot spiffing ummm I’m telling vagabond arse over tit burke. He lost his bottle mush old spend a penny wellies gormless bite.!

Cheers plastered twit chimney pot off his nut hotpot spend a penny have it, so I said squiffy A bit of how’s your father mufty pukka knees up absolutely bladdered brown bread, James Bond boot spiffing ummm I’m telling vagabond arse over tit burke. He lost his bottle mush old spend a penny wellies gormless bite.!

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Tickety-boo cheers plastered twit chimney pot off his nut hotpot spend a penny have it, so I said squiffy A bit of how’s your father mufty pukka knees up absolutely bladdered brown bread, James Bond boot spiffing ummm I’m telling vagabond arse over tit burke. He lost his bottle mush old spend a penny wellies gormless bite.!


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Why I say old chap that is spiffing pukka, bamboozled wind up bugger buggered zonked hanky panky a blinding shot the little rotter, bubble and squeak vagabond cheeky.!


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