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Weekly Vocabulary Exercise:Body Systems

Weekly Vocabulary Exercise:Body Systems Complete the worksheet according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care. You must define the term in your own words; do not simply copy the definition from a textbook. In the space provided after each term’s definition, provide an explanation that Read More

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  • Mar 21, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Weekly Vocabulary Exercise:Body Systems
Complete the worksheet according to the following guidelines:
In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care. You must define the term in your own words; do not simply copy the definition from a textbook.
In the space provided after each term’s definition, provide an explanation that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, organization, or tool the term refers to. In your explanation, you may wish to consider the following:
How has it influenced health care?
Why is it important to understand the appropriate application of the term or concept?
Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft® Word document with your name in the file name.
Submit the file to your facilitator.
Note. You must define 20 terms involved in human body systems in this worksheet. Therefore, in addition to the terms already provided for you below, finish the additional spaces on the worksheet with terms from your reading or discussion you were not previously familiar with and had to research.
Submitted by: [Type your name here.]
Definition in your own words
Use the term in a sentence as it applies to the health care industry.
Circulatory system
Digestive system
Immune system
Nervous system
Respiratory system
Urinary system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Endocrine system
Reproductive system

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