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Using the family structural theory (see the textbook as a model) how can families created following second marriages learn to function as one?

Using the family structural theory (see the textbook as a model) how can families created following second marriages learn to function as one? Family structure involves different roles and relationships. The basic characteristic of a family system includes: internal and external boundaries, rules with other family members, family organization, distribution of power among the family Read More

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  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 2 min read
4 years ago|

Using the family structural theory (see the textbook as a model) how can families created following second marriages learn to function as one?
Family structure involves different roles and relationships. The basic characteristic of a family system includes: internal and external boundaries, rules with other family members, family organization, distribution of power among the family members, and how the family communicates (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). The characteristics of the family structure when a divorce or a remarriage take place can have certain impacts on family members good or bad.
When a mom, or dad, or a married couple decide to get divorced and remarry, this transition affects the one getting remarried, the stepparent, and the child or children. There are several adjustments and changes that need to be made when there is a divorce, or remarriage, and when kids are involved and other children from the stepparent. Boundaries need to be placed into effect in order to have a stable family life.
In some experiences I have encountered throughout my life, usually the children do not react well with having another parent figure in their lives, and that the step parent has a hard time adjusting to the new step mother or father role. Then there is a high possible both sides have children so then the step children have to make adjustments as well and work on communication. We as nurses need to be aware that patients come from different family backgrounds.
Edelman, C., & Mandle C.L. (2010). Health promotion throughout the life span (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

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