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Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation On March 30, 2011, the White House released Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8 to further enhance national preparedness for the United States. Subsequent updates have been added to the directive to further enhance national preparedness. This policy is organized around the following six elements: 1. National Preparedness Goal 2. National Preparedness System 3. Read More

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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1 min read
4 years ago|

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation
On March 30, 2011, the White House released Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8 to further enhance national preparedness for the United States. Subsequent updates have been added to the directive to further enhance national preparedness. This policy is organized around the following six elements:
1. National Preparedness Goal
2. National Preparedness System
3. National Preparedness Report
4. National Preparedness Frameworks
5. Federal Interagency Operational Plans
6. Build and Sustain Preparedness
The assignment is to create a PowerPoint Presentation of the six elements of the Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8.
PowerPoint Presentation format:
 title slide,
 introduction slide,
 body (8 slides),
 conclusion slide, and
 reference slide.
MOS 6801, Emergency Management 5
A voice-over will accompany each slide except the reference page slide. Hint: Use the notes section in the PowerPoint to insert the text for the voice-over. Click here to view a PDF of the Success Center tutorial, “Adding Audio to a PowerPoint.”

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