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Transformative leadership

A. Transformative leadership: My approach and positionality – Describe your own approach to transformative, participatory & effective leadership – – Discuss the connection between being a transformative leader and your positionality. Include at least 3 social identities (at least one must be one of power and privilege) – How do these characteristics inform your decision Read More

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  • Mar 28, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

A. Transformative leadership: My approach and positionality
– Describe your own approach to transformative, participatory & effective leadership –
– Discuss the connection between being a transformative leader and your positionality.
Include at least 3 social identities (at least one must be one of power and privilege) –
How do these characteristics inform your decision making?
– How might your positionality influence how others (colleagues, community members
etc.) react to you as a leader?
B. Growth in leadership in AIP with Organizations & Communities
– Identify two strengths and two challenges you experienced working with your group.
– How did you address them?
– What did you learn about yourself (include a discussion of your learning edges)?
– How can use best practices from the group process to inform your leadership and
improve culturally responsive practice in the field?”

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