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Topic For Final Paper

Final paper Guidelines- For the Final Paper in this course, you are asked to select a current health policy. This policy can be local, state, or federal. You will submit the topic at the end of Module 2 for instructor approval. You will need to develop the following topics in your final paper:  Provide Read More

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  • Mar 30, 2021
  • 2 min read
4 years ago|

Final paper Guidelines-
For the Final Paper in this course, you are asked to select a current health policy. This policy can be local, state, or federal. You will submit the topic at the end of Module 2 for instructor approval.
You will need to develop the following topics in your final paper:
 Provide a clear explanation of the policy/issue. Who are the key and relevant stakeholders?  What are some of the socio-political and/or socio-economic forces that may have shaped this policy?  What are the implications of this policy from the varied viewpoints?  To what degree does this policy address fairness and efficiency within the healthcare system? Address the possible changes and amendments that would help to resolve these issues.  Anticipate and address counterarguments and challenges to the changes and amendments your propose
In your paper, you will take a position on the issue and defend it with support from what you have learned in the class, obtained from reliable sources in the library, and collected the web.
Your paper should be no more than 12-15 pages, double-spaced in length. Be sure to include your name and class number and class title on the first page of your paper. Consult with our Excelsior Library librarians for assistance if you need help in searching the topic. The final paper should be formatted APA style and have all supporting

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