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Topic 5 DQ 2

Re:Topic 5 DQ 2 When it comes to spiritual care for people with different worldviews than my own, my strengths would be open mindedness and willingness to learn. I do not know a lot about some religions, but am always open to learning and assisting in any way possible. My weakness would be my lack Read More

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  • Mar 29, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Re:Topic 5 DQ 2
When it comes to spiritual care for people with different worldviews than my own, my strengths would be open mindedness and willingness to learn. I do not know a lot about some religions, but am always open to learning and assisting in any way possible. My weakness would be my lack of knowledge. No one can know everything, the key to looking like a genius is knowing where to find resources. Being open minded and willing to take the time to look up the information that I need is a strength within that weakness.
The patient alwyas has the final say in their care. Anyone can refuse care for any reason, so it is up to the health care provider to supply all the information necessary for patients to make informed decisions. The patient is the only one who can decide if something fits within their ethical requirements, and should taken the information given to make the best decision for themselves that they can make.

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