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Topic 5 DQ 1

Re:Topic 5 DQ 1 It’s been 17 years since Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. This earthquake took the life’s of more than 220,000 people and injured approximately 330,000 others. Many individuals lost their life, loved ones, limbs, job, home, and tranquility. Haiti being one of the poorest and undeveloped countries predisposed its Read More

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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Re:Topic 5 DQ 1
It’s been 17 years since Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. This earthquake took the life’s of more than 220,000 people and injured approximately 330,000 others. Many individuals lost their life, loved ones, limbs, job, home, and tranquility. Haiti being one of the poorest and undeveloped countries predisposed its occupants to a great risk. Many individuals believe that the many catastrophic effects could have been lessened or prevented.
To start off, primary prevention measures should have been taken. This consist of earthquake awareness and preparedness. According to Jones, (2010) Haiti did not have a seismologist. A seismologist is one that studies the seismic waves, energy waves caused by rocks suddenly breaking apart within the earth or the slipping of tectonic plates. Seismologist use graphs and computers equipment to collect and analyze data on seismic events. They predict earthquakes and tsunamis. It was after the earthquake that they incorporated the use of seismologists, improvements of seismic hazard maps were done, and earthquake awareness campaign took place.
Secondary prevention could consist of emergency equipment on hand. Emergency equipment can be the use of bottled water, antibiotics, first aid equipment, and tetanus immunizations. This could help prevent the outbreak of cholera and tetanus. Due to the large amount of injuries caused by debris and unsanitary conditions, individuals are prone to developing tetanus and other illnesses.
Tertiary prevention can be the use of medical counselors/therapists to help individuals cope with the aftermath of these disasters. Experiencing a catastrophic event can lead to much pain, suffering, anxiety, insomnia, and many other problems. Individuals need to be able to be heard, express their feelings and concerns. Receiving therapy can help alleviate these symptoms and help individuals cope with their losses.
I believe that all these interventions can be proposed during the primary prevention phase. There has to be a plan ahead of time that will incorporate all important things needed. Looking out for individuals as a whole is very important and beneficial to their wellbeing. One can discuss these things with organizations as the Red Cross, CDC, and UNICEF. These organizations offer much help in disasters and prevention of illnesses.

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