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Topic 1 DQ 2

1 posts Re:Topic 1 DQ 2 In order to provide effective teaching, clear objectives need to be applied. Health educators need to establish both clear and measurable learning objectives. Learning objectives should be specific. Both the patient and educator should come to in agreement on the subject matter that is to be addressed. Not only Read More

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  • Mar 18, 2021
  • 3 min read
4 years ago|

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Re:Topic 1 DQ 2
In order to provide effective teaching, clear objectives need to be applied. Health educators need to establish both clear and measurable learning objectives. Learning objectives should be specific. Both the patient and educator should come to in agreement on the subject matter that is to be addressed. Not only should the objective be specific, but it should also be explained at the patients/family level of understanding and learning style.
According to Petti & Fetro (2006) there are seven habits that need to be involved in teaching in order to be an effective. The first habit is being proactive. This involves the educator taking the time to understand patients learning style, incorporate proper teaching, and provide frequent teaching. The second habit is to begin with an open mind. Having a open mind will allow one to establish specific goals and outcomes that can be measurable. The third habit is to put first things first. This involves prioritizing patients and families needs. The fourth habit is to think win/win. This involves success for patient, patients family, and educator. The fifth habit is to seek first to understand then to be understood. The educator should take the time to learn as much information from patient as needed in order to establish an effective plan and obtain patients trust. This will also make patient feel he/she is important. Educators need to be able to communicate with a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. The sixth habit is synergize. Synergize involves the collaboration between the learners and educator. The more people involved the more effective the teaching will be. For example the more patients families involves in patient care the more support the patient will receive. The last habit is to sharpen the saw. This allows for continuation of growth, expanding knowledge and change. An example of a specific and measurable teaching can involve teaching a patient about their medication metformin’s side effects. The outcome would be for the patient to name two side effects. The teaching will be provided at the patients/family educational level and learning style.
Health educators teaching will be more effective if they incorporate patients and their families. Learning objectives should be patient centered. Outcomes should be measurable, because only measurable things can be evaluated for effectiveness.
Petti, L., & Fetro, J. (2006). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Health Educators. Retrieved from

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