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Topic 1 DQ 1

Re:Topic 1 DQ 1 The Health belief model works by the nurse assess the patients present condition, collecting some information from the patient or family, to get a hint about the individual lifestyle, assessing the patient values to health and readiness for a change, this information is going to guide the nurse in educating the Read More

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  • Mar 18, 2021
  • 1 min read
4 years ago|

Re:Topic 1 DQ 1
The Health belief model works by the nurse assess the patients present condition, collecting some information from the patient or family, to get a hint about the individual lifestyle, assessing the patient values to health and readiness for a change, this information is going to guide the nurse in educating the patient. For example, a patient admitted with a stroke, from the history taking said he smokes 1 packet of cigarettes a day, from what the patient said the nurse know the effect of smoking to once health especially with the patient present condition, the nurse further assess the patient readiness to get well and to adopt to a lifestyle that will promote a healthy life. The nurse then educates the patient on the risk factors associated with smoking and encourage the patient on the need to quit smoking to promote a healthy life.
Carole Edelman; Elizabeth Kudzma; Carole. Mandle Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan,8th Edition.

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