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Identify and describe at least three different specialty areas in public health to include the actual roles/careers, responsibilities, and organizations that employ these positions. Explain whether you have any interest in any of these service areas and the organizations that typically employ these positions. Discuss what your ideal career would be like in public health. Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Identify and describe at least three different specialty areas in public health to include the actual roles/careers, responsibilities, and organizations that employ these positions. Explain whether you have any interest in any of these service areas and the organizations that typically employ these positions. Discuss what your ideal career would be like in public health.
Evaluation Criteria
Identified at least three different specialty areas in public health.
Described the careers, responsibilities, and organizations associated with each area that was identified.
Explained the level of interest in the service areas that were presented.
Presented information on an ideal public health career.
Justified answers with appropriate research and reasoning by using appropriate examples and current references from textbooks, the South University Online Library, and other acceptable references—citing the sources in APA format.

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