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Responding to the Public

Responding to the Public Research a public relations scenario you recently heard about in the news. This could be anything that required a hospital or health care facility or company to make a statement about their recent practices. Some examples include medical errors, such as the surgery of a wrong limb or organ; pharmaceutical issues, Read More

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  • Mar 20, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Responding to the Public
Research a public relations scenario you recently heard about in the news. This could be anything that required a hospital or health care facility or company to make a statement about their recent practices. Some examples include medical errors, such as the surgery of a wrong limb or organ; pharmaceutical issues, such as the Tylenol® crisis in 1982; or facility violence, such as shootings or baby snatching.
Create an 8- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes that addresses the following:
Provide a brief overview of the scenario and answer the following questions:
How did the hospital or facility respond?
Why was it necessary for the facility to respond?
How did they promote the hospital’s view?
What was the outcome of the response?
Would you have done anything differently if you provided the facility’s public relations response?

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