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Research Problem Discussion

Write a 2 pages discussion answering the following topics: Begin by reading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) position statement on nursing research ( Identify a potential problem specific to the role of Family Nurse Practitioner that you would like to investigate through this course. Search a minimum of three nursing research articles Read More

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  • Mar 29, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Write a 2 pages discussion answering the following topics:
Begin by reading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) position statement on nursing research (
Identify a potential problem specific to the role of Family Nurse Practitioner that you would like to investigate through this course.
Search a minimum of three nursing research articles not older than 5 years that have addressed the problem you have identified.
Briefly describe the problem you are interested in researching and why this is of interest to you.
Briefly summarize the literature you reviewed. Focus your discussion on the “problem” and how the literature you identified provides evidence of the existence of the problem.
Include in your discussion a potential innovation that you might consider as a solution to the problem identified.

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