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“Racism and Homophobic Bullying on Campus” 

QUESTION 1. “Racism and Homophobic Bullying on Campus”  Please respond to the following: Note: This can either be a written or video discussion post. Note: Collaboration matters! Please respond to at least one other student. Read Sam and Gary’s stories on pp. 14 and 15 of the “Racist and Homophobic Bullying in Adulthood: Narratives From Read More

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  • Mar 26, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

1. “Racism and Homophobic Bullying on Campus”  Please respond to the following:
Note: This can either be a written or video discussion post.
Note: Collaboration matters! Please respond to at least one other student.
Read Sam and Gary’s stories on pp. 14 and 15 of the “Racist and Homophobic Bullying in Adulthood: Narratives From Gay men of Color in Higher Education” article. Next, summarize both men’s experiences on their college campuses. Take a position as to whether each man has expierenced racism and bullying. Identify one (1) way you could bring awareness to these campuses regarding racism and homophobic bullying.

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