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Question 2 – Calculate the Chi-Square using StatCrunch

Question 2 – Calculate the Chi-Square using StatCrunch For this second question – let’s try to make a crosstabulation table for a problem we don’t have in the textbook. We want to know whether boys or girls get into trouble more often in school. Below is the table documenting the percentage of boys and girls Read More

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  • Mar 20, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Question 2 – Calculate the Chi-Square using StatCrunch
For this second question – let’s try to make a crosstabulation table for a problem we don’t have in the textbook.
We want to know whether boys or girls get into trouble more often in school. Below is the table documenting the percentage of boys and girls who got into trouble in school: Got in Trouble No Trouble Total Boys 46 71 117 Girls 37 83 120 Total 83 154 237
Examine statistically whether boys got in trouble in school more often. Can you create a StatCrunch crosstabulation table result for this data (copied and pasted, as well as updated in Word), and a Chi-Square analysis? Hypotheses?

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