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Professional Applications In Service Learning

Professional Applications in Service Learning: A first look at volunteering. Question A Please introduce yourself and share with the group what you are doing in your volunteer experience. B What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience? Be specific. C. Complete the “Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Student Volunteer Placement” and Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Professional Applications in Service Learning: A first look at volunteering.
Please introduce yourself and share with the group what you are doing in your volunteer experience.
What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience? Be specific.
Complete the “Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Student Volunteer Placement” and submit it to your site supervisor and the instructor. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin
Information Sheet for GCU Volunteer Placement
Grand Canyon University
3300 W. Camelback Road
Phoenix, AZ85017
Name of Volunteer:
E-mail Address:
Site Name:
Supervising/Contact Person:
Description of Site
1. Number of Principles:
Number of Employers:
Number of [estimated yearly] student volunteers:
2. Type of workforce/Area of practice:
3. Subject of work for student volunteer:
4. Any special features or descriptions of work environment:
Description of Volunteer Placement Tasks to be completed by Student
5. General Communications: (e.g. Telephone, Personal, Formal, etc.)
6. Research and Writing: (e.g. Letters, Memorandums, Reports, Notes, Desktop Publishing)
7. Clerical: (e.g. Filing, Automated Systems, Calendaring)
8. Academic course work especially desired:
9. Any other information you would like to provide in order to more fully inform, or interest the student in this volunteer opportunity: (e.g. describe experiences where the student will learn what it would be like to be a practitioner in the area he or she is studying. This could involve inviting the student to attend workshops, meetings, ride-along, counseling sessions, etc.)

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