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Imagine you are a community health educator and you have been tasked with developing a presentation to be given in a setting to educate an audience on one type of diabetes. Identify your audience. Examples include the following: Senior center Middle school A workplace Create a 600 word powerpoint presentation (with speakers notes) to share Read More

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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Imagine you are a community health educator and you have been tasked with developing a presentation to be given in a setting to educate an audience on one type of diabetes.
Identify your audience.
Examples include the following:
Senior center
Middle school
A workplace
Create a 600 word powerpoint presentation (with speakers notes) to share this information.
Consider the best method so it is crafted in an appropriate and understandable way for your identified audience
Type 2 Diabetes
How society views Type 2 diabetes (what society thinks it is versus what it actually is, common beliefs and practices)
Preventive measures
Signs and symptoms
Making the right decisions to live a healthy life
Compliance with treatment regimens
Impact on health care resources

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