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On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions:

On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions: The conceptual frameworks applied to community-oriented nursing practice expand the scope of nursing care by addressing non-medical aspects of health. Those who are not familiar with healthcare perceive nurses as providers of hands-on care only. Suggest ways to change this perception. What makes nursing case Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 20, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions:
The conceptual frameworks applied to community-oriented nursing practice expand the scope of nursing care by addressing non-medical aspects of health. Those who are not familiar with healthcare perceive nurses as providers of hands-on care only. Suggest ways to change this perception.
What makes nursing case management special? Is it appropriate for everyone? Give reasons.
Populations can be defined by inclusion or exclusion criteria, using one or many of either type. Using factors in addition to medical tests, diagnoses, and so forth, prioritize the characteristics you think are important in defining a population for community health nursing.
Health care Community Services
Identify four organizations in your community that deliver primary health care. Based on the objective material that you can obtain, determine whom each organization serves; what services each provides; and where each organization gets its funding from. Also evaluate the relative value of each organization’s services to individuals and families in the community

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