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Nursing DB Response

response to peer DB. 150 words 1 nursing reference within 5 years. The research study chosen that incorporated a theoretical framework as a guide for change in practice is to evaluate the effect of Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) on the quality of life in patients with Type II Diabetes (Sated Reza et al., 2015). Roy’s Read More

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  • Mar 25, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

response to peer DB. 150 words 1 nursing reference within 5 years.
The research study chosen that incorporated a theoretical framework as a guide for change in practice is to evaluate the effect of Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) on the quality of life in patients with Type II Diabetes (Sated Reza et al., 2015). Roy’s Adaptation Model primarily focuses on the client’s ability to acclimate and adjust to environmental stimuli with the help of the healthcare team. Diabetes is a disease that may have unfavorable outcomes in the lives of clients. A study was conducted to show the positive effects that the RAM has in patients with type II diabetes. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of RAM in nursing practice (Sayed Reza et al., 2015). The researchers randomly chose 60 diabetic patients and divided these patients into two groups to assess and educate them about ways to care for themselves using the RAM for a period of a month. It involved exploring four dimensions, including the physiological aspect, self-perception, role-play and independence of patients (Sayed Reza et al., 2015). Once the patients completed the program, the researchers gathered the data collected to formulate their conclusion through questionnaires. The study showed that the RAM caused a positive change in the quality of life of diabetics, such as diabetes control, energy, mobility and social support (Sayed Reza et al., 2015). This model is the best fit for the study because it utilized the nursing process over a period of time to determine the ability of clients to adapt accordingly. It helped clients evaluate their lives to establish interventions for positive outcomes.

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