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NURSING – Cystic Fibrosis In Children Discussion

Answer to these questions for cystic fibrosis in children. What is the pediatric condition/disease process/injury? What signs and symptoms do you expect? Provide a history of present illness (HPI). What do you include in your focused assessment for this infant/child? What equipment do you need? Describe the expected findings. What age is this infant/child? What Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Answer to these questions for cystic fibrosis in children.
What is the pediatric condition/disease process/injury?
What signs and symptoms do you expect?
Provide a history of present illness (HPI).
What do you include in your focused assessment for this infant/child?
What equipment do you need?
Describe the expected findings.
What age is this infant/child?
What developmental stage is your patient in?
How do you adapt your assessment for this stage?
What cultures do your patient and his/her family belong to?
How will you adapt your care for the cultures?
Is there a potential legal/ethical issue? Why is it a potential issue?
Include 1 holistic teaching point, why it is important, and who you will teach.
Cite at least 1 research article about the condition, United States reference, APA format,

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