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National Committee for Effective Congress

National Committee for Effective Congress provides a broad range of national and international political information. To learn what are the current predictions on electoral races at the U.S. Senate, visit or for information on electoral races in the House of Representatives. Earmarks are the language that members of Congress insert into legislation that Read More

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  • Mar 30, 2021
  • 3 min read
3 years ago|

National Committee for Effective Congress provides a broad range of national and international political information. To learn what are the current predictions on electoral races at the U.S. Senate, visit or for information on electoral races in the House of Representatives.
Earmarks are the language that members of Congress insert into legislation that dedicates funds for specific uses, many whose broad benefits can be questioned. tracks your representatives and the bills in Congress they introduce, providing estimates of their costs or savings when available.
The Library of Congress “”Thomas”” website is an excellent source of information on current legislation. To find about present bills at the 113th Congress go to
Chapter 10: The Presidency
The War Powers Resolution was passed in 1973 to define and limit the president’s power during times of war. Read the full text of the resolution on this website: You could also visit any of the links provided on related topics at the end of the resolution’s text. Watch – Optional Study Video
Dave Leip’s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections provides Information on upcoming and past presidential elections. By visiting this site you can also experiment with the electoral college calculator to see how your state could affect the electoral outcome:
The first lady is an important resource for the president in his role as head of state. Read about current and past first ladies by visiting the following web-site:
Presidential attempts to increase executive power by influencing or diminishing the authority of other branches of government have been a source of political conflict during different administrations. To read about news on Congress, the White House and current political issues visit
Chapter 11: Bureaucracy
Project on Government Oversight is an independent, not-for-profit organization that seeks to make government more accountable by investigating corruption and misconduct. The group examines all types of government bureaucracies. Visit to read the articles discussing some of the present issues under investigation.
The Department of Homeland Security was created after 9/11 to promote bureaucratic communication and domestic security. See what the department is doing to protect America from foreign threats by visiting:
Suppose that a person was aware of some corruption that was occurring in the government agency in which she or he worked. What should a person in this situation do? Would it be plausible to be a whistle-blower? What are the possible implications for reporting corruption? Is it honest and ethical to engage in whistle-blowing? If this type of corruption was not reported, would ignore the situation to be indicative of honest and ethical behavior on the part of the person who was aware of the situation at hand? Explain. visit:,

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