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Assignment Overview Individual Project Implementation Executive Summary: 12–14 pages ; 7-slide PowerPoint with speaker notes Assignment Details Assignment Description This week you will be submitting your first draft of the report of the completed project that includes your work from Phases 1–3. In addition, you will add the following: Part 1: Implementation Plan For a Read More

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  • Mar 25, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Assignment Overview
Individual Project
Executive Summary: 12–14 pages ; 7-slide PowerPoint with speaker notes
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
This week you will be submitting your first draft of the report of the completed project that includes your work from Phases 1–3. In addition, you will add the following:
Part 1: Implementation Plan
For a project to be successful, it must have a detailed implementation plan that encompasses each step. Create an implementation plan (work breakdown structure) that walks through the process step-by-step and provides a schedule for each milestone in the project plan. An outline format is encouraged.
Part 2: Implementation Strategy Description
Write an additional 2–3 pages (600–800 words) that cover the following:
Explain your strategies for implementing the change within the organization, such as training or process change.
Explain your strategies for monitoring the project.
Explain any risks or challenges that you anticipate, and how you plan to overcome those risks.
Add this to your Executive Summary, along with any citations and references that are used.
Part 3: Plan Presentation
Physicians are key stakeholders in a health care organization. You need to prepare an Executive Summary and PowerPoint of your project for the physician executive meeting. The meeting lasts an hour long, and you have been allotted 20 minutes to present your Executive Summary.
In this summary, you need to have the following:
Title Slide
Slides 1–2: Summary of Issue and Trend Solution
Slides 3–4: Organizational Assessment
Slides 4–5: Project Planning and Budget
Slides 6–7: Implementation Plan and Implementation Strategy
Physicians are scientists who believe in data, so be sure to have some visual images such as charts and graphs that support your conclusions. Each slide should include 150–300 words of speaker notes. Provide citation throughout, as well as an APA-style reference slide.

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