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If I was to put together a nutrition program, it would consist of (1) Teaching people about portion control. (2) Teaching people about good nutritious foods. (3) Teaching people about exercise.

If I was to put together a nutrition program, it would consist of (1) Teaching people about portion control. (2) Teaching people about good nutritious foods. (3) Teaching people about exercise. Unfortunately in today’s society people overeat. Every event we go to revolves around food. Whether it be sporting events, family reunions, holidays, it all Read More

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  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

If I was to put together a nutrition program, it would consist of (1) Teaching people about portion control. (2) Teaching people about good nutritious foods. (3) Teaching people about exercise.
Unfortunately in today’s society people overeat. Every event we go to revolves around food. Whether it be sporting events, family reunions, holidays, it all involves eating and socializing. I think teaching people just to eat a little bit at a time and only eat when you are hungry will help prevent overeating. Your portion sizes should only be the size of your fist. Eating 5 to 6 small meals a day will help stop overeating also.
In today’s world it is so easy to grab a hamburger and fries at a fast food restaurant rather than fix good nutritious food. Let’s face it American is on the go and can’t make time for family dinners. People need to learn that you are not going to real food from a fast food joint. They need to learn that fruits, vegetables, whole grains will make you feel better. And stay away from sugar and high carbohydrate foods. A healthy diet can help protect you from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer (, 2016).
A lot of people don’t have to time to exercise. We need to teach people that only exercise a half hour a day would help. Whether it be walking, taking the stairs instead of an elevator, or get some workout videos and do them at home. Team up with someone and make it fun. Regular physical activity increases your chances of living a longer, healthier life (, 2016).
There are programs for mothers called WIC or women, infants and children. This program helps low income mothers to buy foods such as milk, formula, cheese, and juices for their children.
There are also nutrition services for elderly people also called the Older Americans Act. They fulfill their purpose by providing access to healthy meals, nutrition education and nutrition counseling. The Nutrition Programs are targeted to adults age 60 and older who are in greatest social and economic need (Administration for Community Living, 2016).
Administration for Community Living. (2016, August). Retrieved from ACL: (2016, April). Retrieved from
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