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If a person has appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix caused by bacteria), pain is felt in which abdominal quadrant

Pages: 1 (275 Words or more) Instructions: 1. If a person has appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix caused by bacteria), pain is felt in which abdominal quadrant? Surgery is usually required to remove an inflamed appendix before it ruptures and causes peritonitis. Using your knowledge of the location of the peritoneum, explain why peritonitis is Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 15, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Pages: 1 (275 Words or more)
Instructions: 1. If a person has appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix caused by bacteria), pain is felt in which abdominal quadrant? Surgery is usually required to remove an inflamed appendix before it ruptures and causes peritonitis. Using your knowledge of the location of the peritoneum, explain why peritonitis is a very serious condition. 2. Estrela, age 7, has cereal with milk and sugar for breakfast, then walks to school. Explain the relationship between eating and walking, and remember that Estrela is breathing.

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