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Human Pathophysiology

Respiratory System: ABG Homework 5544 Analyze the following ABGs. Determine the following: Major acid-base imbalance (respiratory acidosis or alkalosis; metabolic acidosis or alkalosis) Compensation (non-compensating, partial, or full) Example of a disease process which could cause the imbalance Level of hypoxemia 1. pH 7.12 CO2 54 HCO3 24 PO2 58 Acid-Base Imbalance: Disease Process: 2. Read More

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  • Mar 20, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Respiratory System: ABG Homework
Analyze the following ABGs. Determine the following:
Major acid-base imbalance (respiratory acidosis or alkalosis; metabolic acidosis or alkalosis)
Compensation (non-compensating, partial, or full)
Example of a disease process which could cause the imbalance
Level of hypoxemia
1. pH 7.12 CO2 54 HCO3 24 PO2 58
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
2. pH 7.49 CO2 24 HCO3 20 PO2 67
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
3. pH 7.31 CO2 35 HCO3 16 PO2 80
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
4. pH 7.52 CO2 48 HCO3 30 PO2 72
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
5. pH 7.44 CO2 29 HCO3 20 PO2 85
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
6. pH 7.38 CO2 30 HCO3 18 PO2 75
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
7. pH 7.01 CO2 84 HCO3 6 PO2 20
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
8. pH 7.48 CO2 65 HCO3 45 PO2 78
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
9. pH 7.38 CO2 42 HCO3 22 PO2 88
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:
10. pH 6.98 CO2 40 HCO3 16 PO2 68
Acid-Base Imbalance:
Disease Process:

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