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Homework Solution

Resource: Sample Proposal Your manager has asked you to help prepare a response to the COO’s assertion that electronic medical records (EMR) technology is not critical for the health care organization. Write a 700-1000 word proposal that discusses the research-based benefits of using EMR technology. Include the following in your proposal: Describe why EMR technology Read More

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  • Mar 21, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Resource: Sample Proposal
Your manager has asked you to help prepare a response to the COO’s assertion that electronic medical records (EMR) technology is not critical for the health care organization.
Write a 700-1000 word proposal that discusses the research-based benefits of using EMR technology.
Include the following in your proposal:
Describe why EMR technology is critical to the success of the health care facility by discussing one peer-reviewed study that demonstrates the benefit of EMRs.
Explain the plan for EMR implementation in your facility
Describe how the EMR system will be evaluated after implementation, specifically discussing:
The study methods that will be used
How the data will be analyzed and presented to the key stakeholders (Be sure to discuss who the key stakeholders are).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources using APA formatted in-text citations to support your proposal.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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