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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing

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  • Mar 21, 2021
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Attention Students: This is an editable word document. This word copy of assessment is for student to work offline. Please DO NOT upload this document in Student Hub. You can copy and paste answers from this word document to your online assessment.
Asmaa Menshid Al Alannezi – S167198
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Course Offer
Course Unit
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
Assessment type
Theory Assessment
Displaying 1 to 25 out of 25 total.
1. Identify the piece of ‘good Samaritan’ legislation relevant to your State/Territory. Briefly outline the application of the identified Act in the provision of first aid (in 30-50 words).
A \’Decent Samaritan\’ is characterized in enactment as a man acting without expecting money related or other reward for giving help.
2. Refer to the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 and identify any 3 (three) specific obligations placed on the persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) regarding first aid provision in the workplace.
3. Refer to the Code of Practice on first aid in the workplace and answer the following questions:
In a low risk workplace, how many first aiders are recommended for every 50 workers?
In a high risk workplace, how many first aiders are recommended for every 50 workers?
How often should you attend the refresher training in CPR in order to ensure the currency of relevant skills and knowledge?
How often should you renew your first aid qualifications in order to ensure the currency of first aid skills and knowledge?
Identify the 4 (four) steps provided in the Code of Practice on first aid in the workplace in minimising risks and potential hazards (Hint: risk management approach).
4. What is the duty of care of a trained first aider or trained volunteer in a first aid situation? (In 30-50 words).
5. What is the duty of care recommendation by the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR) for healthcare professionals who are off-duty in a first aid situation? (In 30-50 words).
6. Differentiate between expressed and implied consents and provide an example of each for these 2 (two) types of consents in the context of provision of first aid (in 60-80 words).
7. Identify 2 (two) legal factors that determine whether first aid could be provided without consent (reference- ARC Guideline 10.5 – Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Resuscitation).
8. What is the potential need for stress-management techniques following an emergency situation, especially for the first aider or bystander?
9. Identify 5 (five) destressing strategies you could implement following an emergency situation.
10. Identify 2 (two) support strategies you could access following an emergency situation.
11. Briefly describe the importance of debriefing following an emergency situation (in 20-40 words).
12. Briefly describe what a first aider should look, listen and feel for when assessing breathing.
13. Is ‘gasping’ a normal respiratory pattern? How could you describe gasping? (In 20-40 words).
14. Briefly describe the recommended method to assess a collapsed person’s response (in 30-50 words).
15. Identify parts of the human rib cage indicated in the following diagram.
16. Identify 2 (two) anatomical and physiological changes occurring to the upper airway of an unconscious person lying on their back.
17. What happens to a casualty’s upper airway with the head tilt/chin lift manoeuvre? (In 20-30 words).
18. Briefly describe the considerations in providing the recovery position to a pregnant casualty as part of first aid to an emergency situation (in 20-40 words).
19. What happens to the casualty’s vital organs during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation? (In 20-40 words).
20. What is the recommended rate of CPR?
21. Provide 3 (three) situations where you could cease providing CPR to a casualty.
22. Identify the 4 (four) links within the chain of survival.
23. Briefly describe how you could conduct a visual assessment of the casualty as part of the secondary survey (in 40-60 words).
24. Briefly describe how you could conduct a verbal assessment of the casualty as part of the secondary survey (in 40-60 words).
25. Briefly describe the specific first aid management of the following scenarios adequately referring to the ARC guidelines.
An adult casualty suffering thermal burns from a direct heat contact (in 60-80 words):
An adult casualty suffering from crush injury on the chest (due to heavy falling debris) (in 60-80 words each):
An adult casualty with a medical warning bracelet for diabetes mellitus and presenting with symptoms of hypoglycaemia (in 50-70 words):
A drowning adult casualty:
A conscious casualty suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration:
Heat stroke:
Scald injury of eyes:
Bleeding left ear after diving:
A child experiencing febrile convulsions:
Management of epilepsy (the first seizure episode lasted for five or more minutes and a second seizure quickly followed the first):
A casualty in shock following severe bleeding:
Casualties suffering from sprain, bruise and strain
A casualty presenting with sudden (acute) facial weakness, arm weakness, difficulty in speaking:
A casualty who is found in a confused state following a fall (suspected head injury):
A conscious casualty suffering neck and spinal injuries following a bicycle incident:
A casualty suffering from an accidental needle stick injury from a syringe used by another person:
A conscious casualty who mistakenly ingested a poisonous substance:
A conscious casualty who has inhaled a toxic substance:

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