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Personal impact paper . students are required to write a paper on a helath topic that has directly influnced or impacted his familly or personal experence . you can chose from these topics below . 1.smoking. 3. alcohol and drugs abuse . 4.violnce. 5.mental health issues. 6.familly history of diseas 7. food choices. 8.obesity. Read More

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  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 1 min read
4 years ago|

Personal impact paper .
students are required to write a paper on a helath topic that has directly influnced or impacted his familly or personal experence . you can chose from these topics below .
3. alcohol and drugs abuse .
5.mental health issues.
6.familly history of diseas
7. food choices.
9.eating disorders.
10. exercise.
11. stress.
The topic must have a cover page and refernces page (MLA format).
Paper will be at least 6 pages in length (4 pages of content ) and be typed in 12 point font and be double spaced. margins will not be larger than 1 inch top, bottom and sides. Fifty percent of the paper will describe why this topic has made personal impact on you and what the students hopes to learn by researching this topic. The second half of the content will be dedicated to investigative research of this topic and must include proper citations along with a refernce page.

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