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HCS 589 Week 2 Individual Assignment Strategic Plan Part I

Decided on an appropriate health care organization for which to develop a strategic plan Examined the role of the organization’s mission, vision, and key values in relationship to its strategic plan Explained the strategic planning model the chosen organization currently uses Identified the theoretical framework the chosen organization currently uses Identified the organizational structure and Read More

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  • Mar 29, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Decided on an appropriate health care organization for which to develop a strategic plan
Examined the role of the organization’s mission, vision, and key values in relationship to its strategic plan
Explained the strategic planning model the chosen organization currently uses
Identified the theoretical framework the chosen organization currently uses
Identified the organizational structure and key leaders of the organization
Identified the change management model the organization uses
Analyzed the involvement of the organization’s governing board in implementing strategic goals
Summarized the various key components of the organization’s value chain in relation to strategic plan implementation

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