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Financial management and Marketing

If you won the lottery and had the choice of a lump-sum payoff or an annuity payoff, what factors would you consider besides the implied interest rate (indifference interest rate) in selecting the payoff style? Provide a quantitative example to illustrate your choice. 1. How do the product-dominant and service-dominant approaches to marketing differ? Ch. Read More

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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

If you won the lottery and had the choice of a lump-sum payoff or an annuity payoff, what factors would you consider besides the implied interest rate (indifference interest rate) in selecting the payoff style? Provide a quantitative example to illustrate your choice.
1. How do the product-dominant and service-dominant approaches to marketing differ? Ch. 6
2. What are the four types of consumer offerings? How do they differ from one another? Ch 6
3. Identify two consumer products sold in a grocery store or by a mass merchandiser such as Walmart. Explain the strategies used to introduce each of the products or which strategy you feel will be most successful. Ch. 6 & 7

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