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Explain business intelligence.

Explain business intelligence. How are health care providers and payor organizations applying analytics today? How would you address the challenges with data warehousing? Business intelligence is a key component for knowledge management. Decision support systems (DSSes) are the foundation of business intelligence and add a modeling selection to user interface. Therefore, you are tasked with Read More

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  • Mar 18, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Explain business intelligence.
How are health care providers and payor organizations applying analytics today?
How would you address the challenges with data warehousing?
Business intelligence is a key component for knowledge management. Decision support systems (DSSes) are the foundation of business intelligence and add a modeling selection to user interface. Therefore, you are tasked with answering the following questions:
What forward-looking analytics innovations can health care organizations apply to meet their mounting challenges through the use of data warehouse management?
Does a DSS add value to knowledge management? Why or why not?

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