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Evidence based practice is the use of current evidence in making decisions in health care for the patients in the safest and most efficient ways

Evidence based practice is the use of current evidence in making decisions in health care for the patients in the safest and most efficient ways. Pressure ulcer prevention is one of the nursing practices that have been improved by the evidence based practice studies. Using the braden scale was once an important tool for knowing Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Evidence based practice is the use of current evidence in making decisions in health care for the patients in the safest and most efficient ways. Pressure ulcer prevention is one of the nursing practices that have been improved by the evidence based practice studies. Using the braden scale was once an important tool for knowing the chances of skin breakdown. Based on studies they developed the interventions that could be used to prevent a patient from skin breakdown based on what stage they are in.
Rapid response teams (RRT) are important in the hospital they have been known to improve patient outcomes in acute emergency settings. Having a RRT is a good way to help get a patient into a stable situation when they are not doing well before they get to the point of cardiac arrest or respiratory distress situations. Through evidence based medicine they were able to see how important a RRT is and get them started in all hospital settings.
Bruckel, J. (n.d.). Evidence-based Medicine and Rapid Response Team Implementation. Retrieved from
Quality improvement, research, and evidence-based practice: 5 years experience with pressure ulcers. (n.d.). Retrieve from

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