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Eric Schlosser’s Global Realization

Reading Eric Schlosser’s Global Realization, write an account of his argument. Throughout the six sections of this chapter, what is Schlosser’s argument?  Your account is a detailed explanation of this argument, which is conveyed throughout these different sections we have been reading. What are the major themes of this chapter?  Can you identify some consistent Read More

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  • Mar 26, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Reading Eric Schlosser’s Global Realization, write an account of his argument.
Throughout the six sections of this chapter, what is Schlosser’s argument?  Your account is a detailed explanation of this argument, which is conveyed throughout these different sections we have been reading.
What are the major themes of this chapter?  Can you identify some consistent topics, unifying ideas, or motifs that enable Schlosser to create impressions upon the reader and clarify his argument? Clarify these themes and explain them using specific evidence from the text.  Can I illustrate that this story of McDonald’s (and other American corporations’) ‘global realization’ is a disturbing mix of entertainment, cultural economics and/or politics?  In the end (of his chapter), is he even talking about fast food?  “Yes, but. . . there’s more.”  Explain.

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