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Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change This assignment will help you evaluate your role with improving/eliminating environmental barriers to health. Instructions: Write a 5-6 page paper on environmental health, the environmental factors that impact health, and your role with improving/eliminating environmental barriers to health. In this paper you will apply the material presented Read More

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  • Mar 21, 2021
  • 2 min read
4 years ago|

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change
This assignment will help you evaluate your role with improving/eliminating environmental barriers to health.
Write a 5-6 page paper on environmental health, the environmental factors that impact health, and your role with improving/eliminating environmental barriers to health.
In this paper you will apply the material presented in this lesson.
Be sure to use the resources in the lesson and previous lessons in this module as appropriate.
Copy/save your results and upload the file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach file.
View grading rubric.
Your paper should be a WORD document.
Your paper should be 5-6 pages long excluding the abstract title page and reference page; in other words, the body of your paper paper should be 5 to 6 pages.
Your paper should be organized as follows:
Title page: Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change
Introduction: One paragraph (minimum of 4 to 5 sentences)
Synopsis (include all pertinent information obtained in this lesson) (minimum of one page)
Environmental Factors that Impact Health (minimum of one page)
My Role in Improving/Eliminating Environmental Barriers to Health (give specific examples of how you can make a difference) (minimum of 1 page)
Summary and Conclusion (minimum of one paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences)
Use APA style: Abstract (blocked comprehensive) running head, title page, citations, reference page).
Use standard English grammar and spelling.
Must use a minimum of 3 references from the Module.
Coca-Cola & Water Depletion & Contamination in India – – Link to interview with Vandana Shiva
Flow: For Love of Water – Entire file available in MDC Medical Campus Library
Taking Root: Planting trees for fuel, food and timber –
The Future of Food (10 minute preview) – Entire file available in MDC Medical Campus Library
The International Forum on Globalization (IFG) – The IFG addresses the cultural, social, political, and environmental impacts of economic globalization
Trees for the Future –

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