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Each student should select one area to complete. The following three (3) areas to include in the Teaching Plan for the Promotion of Cardiovascular Health are:

Each student should select one area to complete. The following three (3) areas to include in the Teaching Plan for the Promotion of Cardiovascular Health are: I made some notes too Exercise Management And we have a patient stubborn in their early 40’s NOTE: If there are only two (2) students in your group, only Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 4 min read
4 years ago|

Each student should select one area to complete. The following three (3) areas to include in the Teaching Plan for the Promotion of Cardiovascular Health are:
I made some notes too
Exercise Management
And we have a patient stubborn in their early 40’s
NOTE: If there are only two (2) students in your group, only complete two (2) topics listed above.
Please be creative and detail the profile of your target audience. PUT SOME TIME AND EFFORT INTO DEVELOPING A “PICTURE” OF THE “PATIENT” YOU WILL BE TEACHING!
Decide on a Target Audience for this assignment. ONLY SELECT ONE AGE GROUP.
Developmental Considerations relate to “Learner Readiness.” Learner readiness takes into account physical, cognitive, and psychosocial maturation. Include Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory for the age group of your target audience. GIVE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF ERIKSON’S STAGE AS IT RELATES TO YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE. Other developmental considerations include the willingness or ability of the individual to learn, prior life experiences, and cultural influences. In addition to identifying developmental considerations, you, as the nurse will also identify any barriers to learning.
Use each of the three domains of learning in your teaching plan. For an understanding of learning domains see: 3 DOMAINS OF LEARNING.docxPreview the documentView in a new window
Learner goals and objectives must be patient-centered. For an understanding of Goals and Objectives see: WRITING LEARNER GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.docxPreview the documentView in a new window
Include APA references. See “APA Tutorial & References” in the Modules tab of this course.
Cite reference(s) using APA format. Click on this Link (Links to an external site.). If you cite more than one reference, please list your references within the body of the text (not at the end of your submission) to show where the information was obtained. Proper use of referencing will allow your colleagues to find information of interest and this will augment student learning!
Group Project Grading Rubric
Group Project Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT
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The project contained an exceptional amount of valuable information, including references in APA format.
25.0 pts
The project contained a good amount of valuable information, including references in APA format.
22.0 pts
The project contained a fair amount of valuable information and/or references were not in APA format.
19.0 pts
The project contained little to no valuable information OR no work was submitted.
0.0 pts
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCOLLABORATION
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Team members always worked from others’ ideas. Team members contributed equally to the project.
25.0 pts
Team members worked from others’ ideas most of the time. You contributed a good amount of effort to this project.
22.0 pts
Team members sometimes worked from others’ ideas. You contributed a fair amount of effort to this project, but participation was late and/or lacking.
15.0 pts
Team members did not work from others’ ideas. You did not work on this project with your team members; no work was submitted.
0.0 pts
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION
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The project was exceptionally well prepared and easy to follow.
25.0 pts
The project was well prepared but somewhat difficult to follow.
22.0 pts
The project was minimally prepared and/or difficult to follow.
19.0 pts
The project showed lack of preparation and was unorganized OR no work was submitted.
0.0 pts
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLEARNING DOMAINS AND TEACHING METHODS
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The project’s learning domains and teaching methods were always congruent.
25.0 pts
The project’s learning domains and teaching methods were mostly congruent.
22.0 pts
The project’s learning domains and teaching methods were not congruent.
19.0 pts
The project lacked inclusion of appropriate learning domains and teaching methods OR no work was submitted.
0.0 pts
25.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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