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Discussion Week 4

Watch Video Confusing cost of hospital care Duration: (2:58) User: cbs6albany – Added: 6/6/13 YouTube URL: Topic – Reimbursement Methodologies: Coding systems are different and so are payment methodologies. Coding is important in reimbursement. 1. Refer to Chapter 4, focus on pages 179 – 188 and discuss payment systems. Demonstrate understanding of fee for Read More

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  • Mar 30, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Watch Video
Confusing cost of hospital care
Duration: (2:58)
User: cbs6albany – Added: 6/6/13
YouTube URL:
Topic – Reimbursement Methodologies:
Coding systems are different and so are payment methodologies. Coding is important in reimbursement.
1. Refer to Chapter 4, focus on pages 179 – 188 and discuss payment systems. Demonstrate understanding of fee for service, cost based, and prospective payment systems.
2. Explain medical necessity and how it impacts payment.
3. What is the effect of payment methods on coding?
4. Although not required, feel free to watch and comment on the video.
Please review the discussion board rubric under “Start Here”.
Use in-text citations appropriately and provide full citations for your initial post and at least one of your response posts. One of your citations needs to be outside of your text.
The idea is that you would not only comment on your classmate’s post but also do some additional research furthering the discussion.
To begin discussing in this forum, click the forum title, “Week 4 Discussion Forum”. Then, click Create Thread on the Action Bar to post your initial reply. To reply to a fellow participant, click the title of the initial post, then click Reply.
Kristin Cook

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