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Discussion Questions

1. Identify all of the areas of a consumer products company in which statistical quality control can be applied. How do you measure effectiveness of processes using statistical quality control? 2. Imagine you work for a breakfast cereal company that makes prepared products that are served cold. Your company wants to introduce a new hot Read More

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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
4 years ago|

1. Identify all of the areas of a consumer products company in which statistical quality control can be applied. How do you measure effectiveness of processes using statistical quality control?
2. Imagine you work for a breakfast cereal company that makes prepared products that are served cold. Your company wants to introduce a new hot breakfast cereal that would require some minimal preparation by the consumer. How would you propose forecasting initial demand for this product? Identify one quantitative and one qualitative technique. How do the techniques complement each other?
Need to be at least 150 words for each question.

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