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Discussion Question DL

Discussion question The following questions for discussion relate to transforming practice using education technology and research findings. 1. Provide one specific example of an online nursing education resource or application that the master’s prepared nurse would recommend to classmates who are pursuing an advanced role 2. Include the product name, URL, and developer. Identify the Read More

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  • Mar 18, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Discussion question
The following questions for discussion relate to transforming practice using education technology and research findings.
1. Provide one specific example of an online nursing education resource or application that the master’s prepared nurse would recommend to classmates who are pursuing an advanced role
2. Include the product name, URL, and developer. Identify the benefits and limitations of this resource
1 page APA format with 2 references peer review less than 5 years old

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