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Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 1 Choose one sexually transmitted illness (STI). Discuss the presenting signs and symptoms, exam findings, diagnostic testing, evidence based treatment, and patient education. Discussion Question 2 Does Tanner staging vary from culture to culture? Why or why not? Support your answers with citations, giving an example of one culture. Discussion Question 3 Discuss Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Discussion Question 1
Choose one sexually transmitted illness (STI). Discuss the presenting signs and symptoms, exam findings, diagnostic testing, evidence based treatment, and patient education.
Discussion Question 2
Does Tanner staging vary from culture to culture? Why or why not? Support your answers with citations, giving an example of one culture.
Discussion Question 3
Discuss the Bethesda Classification of Pap smear testing and evaluation. What are some common causes of abnormal Pap smear results? What treatments would you recommend?

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