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Discussion Board Assignment #12

1. How has this “Long Term Care Administration” course contributed to your comprehension of the intricacies of the health care delivery system? Why is it both critical and beneficial to students to learn how long term care is integrated within the overall continuum of care? 2. What is long term care? This must be a Read More

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  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

1. How has this “Long Term Care Administration” course contributed to your comprehension of the intricacies of the health care delivery system? Why is it both critical and beneficial to students to learn how long term care is integrated within the overall continuum of care?
2. What is long term care? This must be a comprehensive answer that describes things like stakeholders (customers/providers), reimbursement models, facilities, organizations, governing bodies, how it differs from acute, etc.
3. What three (3) key concepts or experiences or discussions were most meaningful to you for either
a. Your individual development and/or
b. Your increased knowledge/understanding of long term care
*describe each in detail
*explain how/why for each one

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