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FOR THIS DISCUSSION: See the attachement. It is the paper you wrote for me for my final paper to turn in. The discussion is summarizing the paper written. Health Care and Nursing Policy Critique Final Paper Briefly describe your final paper to your peers. Include the following in your description: Describe the health and nursing Read More

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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

FOR THIS DISCUSSION: See the attachement. It is the paper you wrote for me for my final paper to turn in. The discussion is summarizing the paper written.
Health Care and Nursing Policy Critique Final Paper
Briefly describe your final paper to your peers. Include the following in your description:
Describe the health and nursing problem, including supporting empirical research and theoretical perspectives.
Summarize current policies that direct care in the area of your selected problem.
Provide highlights from your ethics of care analysis.
Discuss the overarching conclusion you drew from the analysis.
Recommend one policy change that would address the unresolved health and nursing problem from an ethics of care perspective.
Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference.

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