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Currently enrolled in Bachelors of Science in Nursing in Grand Canyon university

My Information to Add In resume Education Currently enrolled in Bachelors of Science in Nursing in Grand Canyon university Diploma In General Nursing and Midwifery 2003-2006 Qualification Registerd Professional Nurse 2016 Licensed Practical nurse 2014 Certification · IV certified · CPR certified Professional Experience Amar hospital Patiala, India · Medications · Wound dressing · Tube Read More

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  • Mar 29, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

My Information to Add In resume
Currently enrolled in Bachelors of Science in Nursing in Grand Canyon university
Diploma In General Nursing and Midwifery 2003-2006
Registerd Professional Nurse 2016
Licensed Practical nurse 2014
· IV certified
· CPR certified
Professional Experience
Amar hospital Patiala, India
· Medications
· Wound dressing
· Tube feedings
· Bedside patient care
Amrit Clinic Malerkotla India
· Care for pediatrics
· Assisted doctors in surgeries
Maxim health Care North Brunswick, Nj
· Care for clients at their home
· Tracheostomy care- suctioning, tracheostomy change
· G-tube care-tube medications and feeding
· Accompany clients to physician’s appointment
· Complete nursing care and documentation
Bayada Home Health Care
· Care for clients at their home
· NG tube insertion- NG tube feeding and medications
· G-tube feeding, medication and care
· Care for Quadriplegic patients
· Open New cases for home care
· Supervisory visits to patients at their home
· Complete nursing care and documentation
Awards Received
· Care Giver of the Quarter in Maxim Health care
· English, Hindi and Punjabi
Licensure -Registered Professional Nurse in New Jersey

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