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Company, XYZ Healthcare

You work for a small company, XYZ Healthcare and you need to recruit over 75 new employees in the next 90 days to fulfill a contract you justYou are a Mental Health Responder who is tasked with organizing part of a response to COVID-19. Each class member will be assigned a lesson to focus on Read More

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  • Mar 30, 2021
  • 4 min read
4 years ago|

You work for a small company, XYZ Healthcare and you need to recruit over 75 new employees in the next 90 days to fulfill a contract you justYou are a Mental Health Responder who is tasked with organizing part of a response to COVID-19. Each class member will be assigned a lesson to focus on for identifying a critical mental health element from the lesson that would be important to use/understand in developing a response plan to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the element selected make sure to identify which course resource you are using to support your selection (e.g. Chapter 6, p. 153 in Helping Families). In the forum post you will discuss what you selected, the reason for the selection, how you would use what you selected. See  Attached file on page 15 ( Posttraumatic stress disorder with be the mental health element I will be using)  tie it with the COVID -19
This is what is in the discussion description on the class site rearranged in a list form:
1.  identifying a critical mental health element from the lesson that would be important to use/understand in developing a response plan to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2.  For the element selected make sure to identify which course resource you are using to support your selection (e.g. Chapter 6, p. 153 in Helping Families).
3.  In the forum post you will:
a.   discuss what you selected,
b.  the reason for the selection,
c.  how you would use what you selected.” 229
1600081041-3109 Last discussion “Objective, final synthesis, incorporating the concepts of critical thinking into our daily lives and into our lives as health care professionals.
Discussion prompt 300 words or less.
We have been working for the semester on these concepts of critical thinking and applying them to our careers as health professionals.
Has your concept of critical thinking changed over the semester?
All the Discussion forums have been re-opened. Review your initial posts and CHOOSE ONE to re-visit. (Discussions
Has your work this semester changed how you understand the concept since you wrote your post? Has your understanding of the concept deepened?” 228
1600078875-93 respond post to other classmate only need 2 paragraph 2 classmates “Review the posts made by your classmates and reply to at least two that explained different aspects of puberty you did not consider. Reply to those posts indicating which aspect(s) of their reasoning you found most compelling.
Jennifer Motl Puberty (classmate1)
Since I’m raising two boys, I’m going to focus my answers on the changes males make throughout puberty.
1. I would hope to be open and honest about the physical changes they are going through during this time. I imagine these conversations would be difficult as children in these ages may not want to discuss these issues. This conversation may be better accepted by my husband than me. I would want to let them know the changes they are going through are normal and everyone in this age range goes through the same changes. Probably the most sensitive topic that should be discussed is spermarche- another topic I would probably leave for my husband. I think it would also be important to discuss things like hygiene during this time. I imagine my boys would be embarrassed to have these conversations, but I think it’s important to be open so they feel comfortable coming to us with questions.
2. The psychosocial changes may be just as difficult for adolescents to process as the physical changes. As their bodies change and look more adult-like, they want to be treated like an adult. I think it’s important to give children this age the space they need, but it would be imperative to have important conversations about sex, drugs, and staying safe overall. I hope I can teach my children that they can trust me and come to me with anything.
3. In this age, they are also growing very rapidly in cognition. One area that I would definitely want to focus on is Idealism and Criticism. Children this age can have grand ideas about the world and how they think it’s supposed to be and then their reality doesn’t live up to their expectations. I think it’s important to discuss this and be patient as they begin to realize no one is perfect and we all have faults.

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