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Company Diagnostics Analysis

Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history. Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed. Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories. Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 28, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history.
Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed.
Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories.
Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an organization’s readiness for change. Propose two diagnostic tools that you can utilize to determine if the organization is ready for change. Defend why you believe the diagnostic tools selected are the best choice for diagnosing change in the organization.
Using one of the diagnostic tools you selected, assess the organization’s readiness for change:
Provide results of the diagnostic analysis.
Explain the results.

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