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Case Study: Doctor Shortage

Review the article and answer the questions that are presented at the end of the case. You are required to seek a minimum of 2 external resources, for this assessment. Your final discussion should be professional, include detailed information, and be void of opinion. This assessment requires the use of FULL APA 6th ed. formatting. Read More

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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 2 min read
4 years ago|

Review the article and answer the questions that are presented at the end of the case. You are required to seek a minimum of 2 external resources, for this assessment. Your final discussion should be professional, include detailed information, and be void of opinion. This assessment requires the use of FULL APA 6th ed. formatting. The use of APA level headings in this discussion will allow for organization and flow of discussion and is a recommended component.
Consists of a minimum 650 words in the core discussion (excludes title page, abstract, running headers, reference page information)
According to the attached article “The Experts: What Should Be Done to Fix the Predicted U.S. Doctor Shortage?” (Links to an external site.) Published in the Wall Street Journal on June 20, 2013, What, if anything, should be done to alleviate the predicted doctor shortage in the U.S.? The Wall Street Journal put this question to The Experts, an exclusive group of industry, academic and other thought leaders who engage in in-depth online discussions of topics from the print Report.
Is there a shortage of physicians overall, or only in key areas (both geographically and by specialty)?
What are the key barriers to increasing the number of physicians (consider primary care and specialty physicians)?
What policies might be used to address these issues?
What can hospitals do to recruit and retain physicians? Consider recruitment tactics that are not misguiding (for example avoid tactics such as – new construction, new vision)
What impact does physician-hospital integration and alignment have on the physician shortage?
What impact does international medical programs have on the physician shortage?
Using a table or chart include the projected physician shortages. Include a paragraph of discussion to explain your table or chart. (You may use a chart/table from a resource rather than create your own. Be sure to reference the tool correctly according to APA 6th ed. Chapter 5).
Given the layered aspects of the physician shortage and the understanding that filling this gap reaches beyond the medical schools, what are some alternative strategies?
Select one panel expert and choose to agree or disagree with their position on how to alleviate the physician shortage. Please include the panel expert’s name and position in your discussion.

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