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Business sustainability

10-15 years ago, sustainable business development or business sustainability were rarely used terms – you could not find them in most business texts.  By 2000, few trade publications began to call out this “new” business perspective – some thought it was just the next new business fad or trend. But, is it really so “new” Read More

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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
4 years ago|

10-15 years ago, sustainable business development or business sustainability were rarely used terms – you could not find them in most business texts.  By 2000, few trade publications began to call out this “new” business perspective – some thought it was just the next new business fad or trend. But, is it really so “new” – is it a fad?  Why has this concept taken off so rapidly in the past 10 years?  How has it changed Operations and Supply Change Management?

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