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Blogging and Private Journaling Website (Individual Coursework)

Assessment 2 Blogging and Private Journaling Website (Individual Coursework) This assessment is to further your knowledge and skills of building secure GDPR compliant systems. You should design and develop a website that allows the maintenance of both blogs (visible to public or particular members) and private journals (for individual viewing). Place an Order for any Read More

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Blogging and Private Journaling Website (Individual Coursework)

Assessment 2 Blogging and Private Journaling Website (Individual Coursework)

This assessment is to further your knowledge and skills of building secure GDPR compliant systems.

You should design and develop a website that allows the maintenance of both blogs (visible to public or particular members) and private journals (for individual viewing).

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The website should:


  • Run on an appropriately configured secure server
  • Allow the update and maintenance of blogs and journals of members
  • Allow for multimedia (images, video, audio) within blogs and journals
  • Allow access to public, specific members (or all members) or entirely private
  • All information should be encrypted
  • All passwords should be strong, encrypted and one-way
  • Logs should be kept of access, available to the blog owner In addition:
  • The technologies used should be based on either (1) Python, in particular Python Flask (as opposed to other technologies such as Django, which should not be used) or (2) Node.js — though other supporting technologies can be used such as HTML,

Blogging and Private Journaling Website (Individual Coursework)


All submissions should include –


  • Code, text files, assets etc should all be neatly held in directories with appropriate readme.txt files
  • An excel marksheet filled out with your details, and your own proposed marking (available at the top of the module webpage)
  • A spoken video showing the work and how it matches the mark scheme. This should only be 5 or so minutes long
  • All files submitted should be in one zip compressed format file i.e. not RAR or other
  • Code should be deployed to the cloud server ( and the url for the starting point clearly marked on the marksheet












Assessment 2 Marking sheet


Student:                                                       Student ID:

Server implementation securely and correctly configured (5%)


Server used and secure (5%)



Public and member account types and access restrictions (15%)


Guests can visit without logging in to public areas (5%) Members have accounts (5%)

Restrictions to areas (5%)







MySQL database in use and securely deployed (10%) MySQL or python derived SQL library utilised (6%) Passwords in use (not default) (2%)

Encrypted information (2%)







Blogs and journals can be maintained and updated (10%)


Create blog (4%)





Normal update by users (4%)


Destroy blog (2%)




Media (Images, Video, Audio) can be utilised (15%)


Images can be securely stored (5%)

Video can be securely stored (5%) Audio can be securely stored (5%)







Validation checks and basic security (5%)


Users require password (must comply to good standard check) (5%)



Advanced security (encryption) (10%)


Entire system is secure with military grade encryption of all user data (10%)



Public functionality (10%)


Guest/normal users can see public permitted info and media (10%)



Member functionality (10%)


Allows use of member spaces or permissions (10%)



Logs, stats and user security functions (10%)


Logs stored of activity (3%) IP addresses stored (3%)

Stats provided for user of visitors, locations, device used (4%)







Total: 0

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