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NUR 267 Spring 2017 Staffing/Charge Nurse Discussion Board INSTRUCTIONS: In the discussion board on D2L, you will discuss the staffing pattern on the unit where you are completing your preceptorship. You will also discuss the role of the charge nurse, and how the charge nurse functions on this unit. For you initial post, you should Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 4 min read
3 years ago|

NUR 267
Spring 2017
Staffing/Charge Nurse Discussion Board
In the discussion board on D2L, you will discuss the staffing pattern on the unit where you are completing your preceptorship. You will also discuss the role of the charge nurse, and how the charge nurse functions on this unit.
For you initial post, you should identify the staffing patterns on the unit where you are completing your preceptorship, including staff to patient ratio – consider licensed & unlicensed personnel. What are the responsibilities of each of these staff members in regards to patient care? Do you feel like this staffing pattern allows for safe, quality care – use at least one source to back-up your opinion.
Describe the role of charge nurse. How effective was the nurse in completing charge responsibilities? Does the charge nurse on your unit also have patient assignments? Do you think this factor influenced the ability of the nurse to effectively perform charge nurse associated duties – Why? Why not? How?
You will also be required to respond to the initial post of at least 2 members of your group. You should consider similarities/differences between what you experienced & what your group members report, and any other thoughts you might have on the subject. Responses should be appropriate & respectful. Responses must contain substance. “I agree with you” is not a complete response – you may agree, but you must elaborate. Responses should be thoughtful & reflective.
Your initial posting is due by Monday, April 10th at midnight.
Both responses should be posted by Friday, April 14th at midnight.
You will not be able to see anyone else’s initial response until you first post your own.

NUR 267
Staffing/Charge Nurse Discussion Board Rubric
Timeliness of Post
Initial posting & both responses posted by the assigned deadlines
Either initial posting or one of the responses posted after assigned deadline
2 postings done after assigned deadline
All posts after assigned deadlines
Initial Post – Identifying Staff Patterns & Responsibilities
Identifies staffing pattern on unit, including staff:patient ratio & licensed & unlicensed personnel. Identifies responsibilities of all staff members in regards to patient care.
Identifies staffing pattern on unit, but does not include all staff members.
Identifies staffing pattern on unit, including all staff members, but does not provide responsibilities of all staff members.
Does not identify staffing pattern
Initial Post – Safe, Quality Care
Provides discussion of whether the staffing pattern on the unit allows for safe quality care. Uses at least one source (scholarly, within 5 years – not our textbook) to support the discussion.
Provides discussion of whether the staffing pattern allows for safe quality care,& uses a source to support, but source is not appropriate (not scholarly – not within 5 years) or uses only required textbooks.
Provides discussion of whether the staffing pattern allows for safe, quality care, but does not use external source to support discussion.
Provides minimal or no discussion of whether staffing pattern allows for safe quality care.
Initial Post – Role of Charge Nurse
Correctly identifies the role & responsibilities of charge nurse.
Identifies roles & responsibilities of charge nurse, but some important information is missing.
Identifies roles & responsibilities, but information is incorrect or major parts are missing.
Does not identify roles/responsibilities of charge nurse.
Initial Post – Charge Nurse Effectiveness
Identifies whether the charge nurse of the unit has patient assignments & thoroughly discusses if & how this influences the ability to effectively perform charge nurse duties.
Identifies whether the charge nurse has patient assignments & if this influences the ability to effectively perform charge nurse duties, but provides minimal or no discussion as to how it does so.
Identifies whether the charge nurse has patient assignments, but does not provide further discussion.
Does not provide any information regarding charge nurse effectiveness.
Response #1 – Quality of Post
Provides comparison and/or contrast; Appropriate comments; thoughtful & reflective; respectful of other’s postings
Appropriate comments; respectful of other’s postings
Responds, but with minimal effort (“I agree”)
No posting
Response #2 – Quality of Post
Provides comparison and/or contrast; Appropriate comments; thoughtful & reflective; respectful of other’s postings
Appropriate comments; respectful of other’s postings
Responds, but with minimal effort (“I agree”)
No posting
All posts are grammatically correct without spelling errors
One grammatical or spelling error
Two or three grammatical or spelling errors
Posts are grossly grammatically incorrect; significant number of spelling errors
24/24 = 100
23/24 = 95.83
22/24 = 91.67
21/24 = 87.50
20/24 = 83.33
19/24 = 79.17

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